Shipping containers are perfect for bike storage

In an effort to diminish its environmental footprint, the city of downtown Montreal has begun a pilot project to improve local deliveries. Ville-Marie borough has made the switch from delivery trucks to delivery bicycles for the most local deliveries. This is believed to reduce carbon emissions as well as reduce road congestion.

Journal de Montreal reports on the situation adding that the cold weather has, unfortunately, caused a few problems for the pilot project. The delivery partners involved in the project find the weather to be too harsh to work outside and conduct these deliveries by bike.

Until their facilities are upgraded and warmer weather rolls around, our ATS storage containers will keep the bikes protected from rain, snow, and other elements. Furthermore, the 40-ft high cube storage containers will keep the bikes safe against theft and vandalism.

To read the original article written by Journal de Montreal, click here.

To read more about the Colibri project, follow this article.

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